Bible League- Badayala for Bibles Reviewed by gnrmanager on . [caption id="attachment_8652" align="alignleft" width="300"] Donate to the Bible League Badayala for Bibles campaign this September.[/caption] That light shines [caption id="attachment_8652" align="alignleft" width="300"] Donate to the Bible League Badayala for Bibles campaign this September.[/caption] That light shines Rating: 0
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Bible League- Badayala for Bibles

Donate to the Bible League Badayala for Bibles campaign this September.

That light shines out into the darkness and makes everything clear, and the darkness can’t put it out.   John 1:5 PEV

Shine the light of Jesus into the hearts of Indigenous Australians through Badayala for Bibles.

This September, Bible League is partnering with 14 radio stations across Australia, with the goal to provide 4,000 Plain English Version (PEV) Bibles for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

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